Strengthen your mental and physical health!

Psycho-energetic practices online
Spiritual and physical development
Write your awesome label here.

Physical component

  • new level of vital energy
  • strengthening the immune system
  • extension of youth of all body functions

Psycho-emotional component

  • termination of hereditary destructive programs
  • establishment of life-affirming programs
  • formation of emotional supports
  • correction of psycho-emotional states

Mental intellectual component

  • realizing the reasons that led to undesirable or destructive consequences
  • life course correction
  • integration of one’s own experience
  • formation of a wholesome image of «I»

Spiritual volitional component

  • finding new meanings of life
  • realization of one’s own Mission
  • formation of the stability of family, race, the Ukrainian ethnos in the conditions of turbulence
  • personal contribution to the strengthening of national culture

The Course of personal development of the
«Sunshine At Home» Platform contributes to the solution of a number of important issues:


● Increasing the resource of the physical body and its capabilities
● Formation of a strong immune system as protection against external destructive influences
● Strengthening of female and male systems
● Mastering the practices of qigong health gymnastics in improving physical and mental bodies

Feelings and emotions

● Overcoming traumatic experience
● Acquisition of tools for overcoming the states of emotional exhaustion and burnout
● Tuning in to achieve emotional states of love, unity and happiness


● Defining partnership for further family life
● Improving family relationships
● Unfolding sexuality in a couple
● Discovering parental and maternal resources
● Raising children
● Overcoming conflict situations
● Getting out of toxic relationships


● Separation from parental figures
● Personal growth
● Self-identification of personality
● Determination of professional direction
● Formation of internal supports of personality
● Communication and interaction with the outside world


● Clarification of the reasons of financial losses and devastation
● Assistance in repaying financial debts
● Formation of one’s own «financial channel»
● Career growth
● Establishing «work-life balance»

Life mission

● Finding your spiritual roots
● Strengthening constructive programs of the family and ancestors
● Realization of talents of the personality in a social context
● Awareness of the meaning of life
● Self-determination and self-identification

Sunshine at Home is a state-of-the-art online Platform for self-improvement and development


The Platform policy provides registered users with an individual and protected mode of operation.
The entire volume of purchased courses and materials is displayed in the personal account.

Convenience and comfort

Tune in to work from anywhere in the world and any device!
Decide how much time and effort you will put into mastering the material!
No restrictions or unnecessary instructions!


Find like-minded people around the world on your chosen topics! Ask questions and get feedback!

Dynamics of development

Track steps in your moving forward and mastery. Get certificates confirming the mastered levels.

Live video meetings

Modern methods of video communication for holding conferences, webinars, group sessions, etc. are integrated into the Platform.

Choose a course for yourself

Find current topics of development courses and materials on the Platform.

«Sunshine At Home» offers courses of personal growth:

Announcement of the most motivational courses from the author

Health practices

Increasing human resistance (opposition) to external aggressive factors. Strengthening general physical and psycho-emotional state of the personality using traditional and Eastern spiritual practices
(qigong, tai chi-quan, etc.).

Correction of the deviations of the prenatal period

Correction of mental and energy disorders of the personality that were formed at the stage of prenatal development.

Redeeming native home

A comprehensive work on the recovery of the cellular structure
“Native Home” phenomenon in the psyche of participants.

Transgenerational family therapy during the war

Levelling the hereditary generic destructive programs, strengthening and validation of

the constructive program settings of each individual.

Aim high, see big, judge widely

First we found each other

«…I was almost resigned to the idea that I will live my life alone. As it turned out, so did she. However, one day there was a meeting that drastically changed everything...».

Write your awesome label here.

First photo of our baby

«We patiently underwent treatment and looked for ways to meet each other. And here, finally, 
the long-awaited hope!»
Write your awesome label here.

So, you are our future!

«…It happened as planned and expected. How long have we been waiting for you!..»

Write your awesome label here.

First happy steps of a small family!

«We will be by your side as long as necessary!».

Online course of self-improvement

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Upcoming events on the Platform of mental health

Get to know us

The Team

Maksym Kolesnichenko
Maryna Ziablova

Our students about us

"Greetings, Maksym! The new school year is coming soon. I want to know which therapeutic groups will work since September. I would like to thank you..."
Thank you!

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