Transgenerational family therapy in the conditions of war

  • Author: Maxym Kolesnichenko, Ph.D.
  • Level: All
  • Study time: 10 months

The basic module of the Course «Transgenerational family therapy in the war conditions» introduces participants to the issue of genetic and non-genetic inheritance that influences the quality of life of the contemporary generation. The course materials focus upon the laws of living of an extended family considering the war as a large-scale social phenomenon which influences every citizen of the state in an extremely destructive manner. 

  • Video time: 60 hours
  • Zoom meetings: 80 hours

What's included?

  • 10 Steps 
  • 1 Certification
  • Zoom meetings: 80 hours
  • Video off-line: 60 hours
  • 10 Text books
  • Video reviews and questions

Improve your mental and physical health

The course will give you a chance to find out a lot of important, useful and interesting information about your body and your psychic abilities, and will help you master the instruments of self-control, a stable immunity against external challenges and difficult life events.

Change your life for the better

You will also master new skills to help you formulate your aim clearly, to choose and implement the most successful strategy of its achievement, to reject the redundant and the unnecessary, to be aware of the deep sense of each life step. 
Meet the author

Maxym Kolesnichenko

My greetings to all Ukrainians and those who support Ukraine in its fight for freedom!

I am a practicing individual family and group therapist, the Chairperson of the Institute of fractal therapy. I specialize in systemic family therapy and fractal therapy.
I am the author of the course «Transgenerational family therapy», and using its unique methodology I help my clients solve life challenges and get out of difficult situations.
My working experience is more than 22 years. Currently, not considering individual consultations, the number of participants of my therapeutic groups is over 2350 people.

Ukraine is in our hearts!🇺🇦

Geschtalt therapist
Fractal therapist.
Member of the International Family Therapy Association
Member of Ukrainian Union of Psychotherapists (
Chairperson of the Institute of Fractal Therapy
Co-founder of Ukrainian Association of Systemic Family Therapy (

Author of the Course «Transgenerational family therapy» (implemented at the basis of the Institute of Fractal therapy since 2009)
Zhong Yuan Qigong, Tai Chi Chuan Instructor
Patrick Jones - Course author