How to overcome panic attacks
What is a panic attack?
How do I recognize a panic attack?
Effective methods of overcoming panic attacks
It is necessary to understand that it is impossible to overcome the panic, it will cease gradually in several minutes. It is necessary to wait and calm down as much as possible. It is desirable to switch one’s attention to something that brings pleasure, for example tasty food, books, warmth, etc. In case when nothing helps it is better to walk in circles avoiding the contact with heavy dangerous objects. It is important to think about something pleasant at this time.
There are several sure ways to overcome panic attacks. Their influence and action are always individual, so everyone can choose the most effective ones for oneself.
- Use audio applications. You can record calming words or assertions, add pleasant sounds and turn it on as soon as the attack reminds of itself.
- Write down your fears at the moment of the attack. On the one hand it will give you a chance to distract your attention and concentrate on the task, and on the other – it will help you pin down your emotional experience at an acute moment. You can show these notes to your doctor later.
- Say no to coffee and other stimulators. They tease the receptors and make a person more irritable. It is better to drink clear cool water slowly in small gulps.
- Blow up an «air balloon». In this case the air balloon is your own tummy. You have to lie down at your back and calmly breathe in through your nose till your tummy is filled. Then slowly let the air out.
- «The butterfly hug». This technique allows you to increase the sense of safety. You need to cross your arms so that your hands reach your shoulders. Slowly move your elbows. Repeat it 8 times and put your hands down after that. You should perform at least 3 to 5 takes of the exercise.
And although a panic attack lasts only several minutes, it seems to a person that it is taking much longer. Simple exercises will help overcome its acute manifestations.
What should one do after a panic attack is over?
How should the witnesses of a panic attack act?
Calm down the person who is currently in the condition of a panic attack; tell them that everything will be alright and the attack will be over soon;
Hug the person who is currently in the condition of a panic attack strongly holding them in this position for several minutes until they are able to relax;
Control the breath of the person in panic;
Find a comfortable and safe place for a person to sit down;
Massage their extremities, neck and ears;
Talk to them all the time, recalling the moments pleasant for this person;
Provide the access of the fresh air.
When it is time to see a doctor
A single manifestation of a panic attack is still not a reason for systematic medical treatment. But still if its intensity begins to increase one should necessarily see a doctor. Psychological causes of this phenomenon are treated by a psychotherapist, who can determine the cause and choose the treatment methods depending on the condition of a patient. There are two effective methods which are mostly used simultaneously:
● Active psychotherapy – sessions with a specialist for the emotional solution of the matter;
● Pharmaceutical therapy – taking antidepressants and medications from anxiety.
It is
dangerous to treat oneself with pharmaceutical means, it is better to take care
of prevention. In order for panic attacks not to take place frequently it is
recommended to practice sports, abandon bad habits, spend more time in the
fresh air and avoid stressful situations.