MARCH 13, 2023
To the children about non-childish things. How to inform a child correctly about the death of a close person
What is the meaning of loss and grief?
How to bring the sad news and explain to the child what death is?
Adults, the same as children, go through grief in a variety of ways. A lot depends on their psychic and emotional condition, their relationship with the deceased. How do the adults experience grief in the presence of a child without harming the child’s psyche?
It is normal for the adults to express sadness in front of the children. This way the adults express their attitude to the deceased, show their grief, sadness and longing. It is desirable to explain to the child that one shouldn’t conceal their feelings. You are together, so it is easier to go through grief together than alone.
How do we help a child to cope with the sad news?
It is sure to be very difficult, but there are several methods which can help the child understand and go through the tragic news.
Mourning. It will give you a chance to reflect on the loss and say goodbye to the deceased. It is important to explain to the child that despite the fact that the deceased person is not going to return, they will still stay close in your thoughts and memories, because the spiritual ties stay forever. The child can draw a picture or recite a poem or say some words addressed to the deceased.
Daily schedule. However hard it may be, you should adhere to your usual daily schedule, remembering to tidy up the rooms, doing the physical exercises, going on regular walks to familiar favourite places, etc. It is important to involve the child into various types of activity.
Tenderness and care. The child is going to need a lot of attention during this time, they should not be locked inside oneself.
If the child shows aggression, do not punish them for it. They are trying to show what they cannot express with words in this way. It is important to support them in their emotions and calm them down.
It is important to inform the educational or day care institution where the child is studying about the loss, so that they get emotional support and understanding there too.
And despite everything it is important to take care of your own emotional condition too. It is necessary to find the time for rest, get enough sleep and healthy food, go for walks. It is also desirable to see a qualified person for emotional support of join the group therapy at the Platform “Sunshine At Home”.
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